The true back story of this book comes from real-life events. SunBunny was just getting started when the Russians and Hollywood took legal action to cancel his trademarks! The lawyer’s advice is to not name them here. Just think of one of the largest cartoon businesses in the world stepping on the smallest. But, SunBunny had to stand up to them.
After more than a year of complex legal processes, costing thousands and thousands of dollars in attorney fees, SunBunny Cartoon Book Volume 1 is released into the world. SunBunny retains his trademarked name and iconic face. The requirement of the US Patent and Trademark Office is for a series of books, with a deadline for publication, so Volumes 1 & 2 are published promptly, in hard copy print and downloadable versions as required. SunBunny got pushed on stage in a rush, as rough drafts. Volumes 3 and 4 will be available soon.
SunBunny was created in response to popular demand. Every day you hear people say things like: “Somebody help me!” or “Somebody needs to keep me posted.” SunBunny serves as the substitute whenever anyone says somebody.
Enjoy your time with him. Once you see SunBunny cartoons, you will never be same. When you hear the word “somebody”, you will naturally think of him. He is becoming a common part of the routine of our daily life lives. He is fast becoming a common part of our daily routine.
SunBunny evolved to fill the need everyone has for a problem solver to take care of the common, everyday issues we all deal with. And, he is also an uber-capable individual to go forward facing life’s biggest challenges.
So … when Mom says, “Somebody needs to help” her. –you know who does it. And, when the President says, “I don’t care who. Just get somebody to do it now!” -you know who gets the job. Those are the times when SunBunny steps in and takes those statements to a whole new level, to where it is the most hilarious and the most extreme.
In this book you will see:
– SunBunny is a wild and complex character.
– Lounging on the beach with a beverage is his favorite hobby.
– He includes everyone as family and loves animals.
– He obviously has many lady friends.
– He has crashed and been knocked down so many times, but he comes back bolder than ever.
– He has made and lost several fortunes.
– He was a senator with a diverse past who hangs with presidents.
– He is so multi-talented.
– He always knows the right thing to say, and he is being quoted every day.
He can be tracked almost everywhere it is cool to be, and some places … not so much. Of course, SunBunny has to.
There’s not anyone that everybody loves. And, nobody loves everyone. But, everybody loves somebody. That somebody is SunBunny!
This is the third release from the collection of SunBunny cartoons, which is a series of various snapshot views that serve as an exposé of this wild and complex character.
When you see SunBunny cartoons, and later hear the word “somebody”, you will naturally think of him. He sticks in your mind to bring smiles throughout your day.
For example: Instead of somebody getting mad, now it is SunBunny dealing coolly with whatever happens.
Volumes 3 and 4 contain hundreds more SunBunny cartoons with chapters of quotes SunBunny has made over the years that encourage and humor us when we need them most.
VOLUME 4 of the series SunBunny cartoon.
In one scene he is in the White House. Next thing you know he is in a prison in Bogota.
SunBunny takes everything to the extreme. This volume has a wide variety of situations we all can relate to.
The spark that started SunBunny cartoon was inspired in the forest on a mountain. Since then, it has been developed on our ten-acre farm home where we plant trees, bushes and grasses for our living. We live in our greenery that we have been planting for 32 years.